Synthwave: The Therapeutic Beat to Soothe Anxiety

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In the world of music, certain genres can transport us to a different time and place. One genre, in particular, is loved by audiences with its nostalgic appeal and melodies: Synthwave. Originating in the early 2000s, Retro Wave (another way people calls the genre) is inspired by the electronic sounds of the ’80s, often evoking images of neon-lit city streets and retro-futuristic landscapes. This unique genre goes beyond just being a source of sonic escapism tho! We really believe this genre to have therapeutic benefits for those struggling with anxiety or, at least, this is what we’ve observed during the years we’ve been involved with this specific musical genre.

Music can affect our mood and mental well-being. It can help lift our spirits on a bad day or allow us to process complex emotions through lyrics or melodies: it’s a powerful force in our lives. What we’ve observed so far, by not only creating the music ourselves but also interacting with synth fans from all around the world, is that Synthwave has a very strong effect on a person’s mood and, being it a multi-layered macro genre, it has a mood for every situation.

In this blog post I want to uncover how its therapeutic beats may just be what you need to soothe your anxious thoughts. From pulsating synthesizers layered over driving basslines to dreamy melodies reminiscent of sunsets on endless horizons, let’s immerse ourselves in a genre that not only transports you back in time but also brings comfort during hard moments.

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Understanding Anxiety

This disorder is a mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide, especially in modern society where everything seems to be designed on purpose to stimulate such a condition! Persistent worry can significantly impact daily life. Individuals living with it may experience a wide range of symptoms, both physical and emotional.

One common type is the generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), which causes worry and tension related to everyday situations. People with GAD find it very challenging to control their worries, even when they recognize that their concerns are irrational.

They know that what they feel isn’t justified, they would love not to feel it yet, they can’t: it’s like their mind, their entire being, is playing a trick on them.

Another form of is social anxiety disorder (SAD). This condition manifests as an intense fear in social situations, bringing individuals to avoid interactions where they might be the center of attention.

In addition to these disorders, many also experience feelings of anxiousness due to work pressures or relationship issues that develop into restlessness, irritability, muscle tension, and difficulty concentrating.

Living with these issues can be incredibly hard.

The Role of Music in Mental Health

Music has been recognized by many as one of the main tools in helping keeping anxiety and other mental issues under control. Different studies have shown the therapeutic benefits of music therapy in reducing stress levels and improving mood, so much that it’s used in many different settings and I can personally guarantee for some of its benefits from having seeing it in action during my days spent as a sanitary assistant. Music directly affects our emotions with its ability to stimulate the release of dopamine and serotonin.

Research teaches us that listening to music can help emotional regulation, helping to reduce anxiety symptoms. The rhythm and melody of a song can distract us from negative thoughts or worries, allowing the find of peace. This connection between music and emotions offers tons of possibilities for using music as a coping mechanism.

Moreover, it’s not just about listening; activities like singing along or playing an instrument can amplify its therapeutic effects even more, making us understand the importance of art as a whole as a primary means for personal growth and care. An importance that, when this simple concept is understood, places the entire modern hype concerning “AI art” under a different light: a dark one that does, and will, hinder human growth as a whole.

As we keep exploring Synthwave’s unique characteristics let’s remember how important it is, for humankind, spending time with music, dancing in between the different moods it can provide.

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Exploring the Characteristics of Synthwave Music That Soothe Anxiety

Retro wave music, with its mix of retro-futuristic sounds and nostalgic melodies, managed to create for itself a very devoted following. Beyond simply being an enjoyable genre to listen to, many people actually do so because of the therapeutic benefits that it can offer, especially when it comes to managing stress and other ill conditions.

Being producers in this specific genre ourselves, we’ve seen countless people stating that music has saved their life and that, every day, come looking for new tracks in order to better copy with modern world’s anxiety.

One characteristic of Synthwave contributing to its calming effect is the slow, often hypnotic, beats commonly found within this genre. The steady pace allows listeners’ minds to relax and synchronize with the rhythm, creating a sense of tranquility. In contrast to fast-paced music that may trigger heightened arousal levels or restlessness, these slower rhythms of what can usually be called “classic” retro wave, chillwave or dreamwave create serene and magical environments.

Repetitive melodies provide stability, organizing chaotic thoughts. The constant repetition allows listeners to focus on the present moment, instead of obsessively thinking about problems.

The use of synthetic sounds also adds the perfect mix of warm and ethereal sounds helping the creation of a peaceful meditative state. These hypnotic textures allow individuals experiencing anxiety disorders to find peace within their imagination.

Immerse in the synthwave

Experience the power of retro wave music. Dive into our Spotify catalogue and find relaxation and focus.

Practical Tips for Incorporating Music into Daily Life

1. Create your own playlist: One of the easiest ways to incorporate music into your daily life is by creating a personalized playlist. Curate a selection of your favorite tracks from the genre and have them readily available on your preferred music streaming platform. To start we suggest THIS SPOTIFY PLAYLIST, with all the best tracks from our own musical projects.

2. Download free tracks from our shop: we create music mainly to bring some good to the world. With our main eLxAr project we delve into social issues, providing entertaining music that’s also reflective of problems in our world. With The Magic Portal we provide calming and uplifting instrumentals to help relaxing and find peace. All of our music is free to download BY CLICKING HERE with optional voluntary donations. Should you want to help us even more, you have the chance to opt in to a very cheap subscription service BY CLICKING HERE.

3. Check out our top 10 of the best new retro wave albums ever created.

Incorporating Synthwave into daily routines doesn’t have to be complicated – it’s all about making small adjustments and finding what works best for you individually. So create that playlist today, carve out those precious moments of calmness, download those tracks from our shop – together let’s explore how this mesmerizing genre can alleviate anxiety one beat at a time


In conclusion, Synthwave music can really help in managing stressful mental conditions: its hypnotic beats, uplifting melodies, and retro sounds create an experience that can relieve stress and bring your mind and soul to a more peaceful and relaxed place.

By listening to the atmospheric melodies of retro wave, you may find yourself feeling more relaxed, detached from your stressful routine.

Sure: it’s important to remember that experiences with music will vary from individual to individual but many people have found peace by listening to this unique genre so, if you’re looking for new ways to manage your anxiety, why not give it a try? Put your headphones on, close your eyes, and let the healing begin.

All the best,




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