Notre Dame De Paris

Notre Dame De Paris review Cover

Victor Hugo’s “Notre Dame De Paris” has captivated me over the past few months. Unlike Disney’s adaptation, which distorts the story, the original novel delves into the complexities of human nature and societal norms. It deconstructs moral preconceptions tied to love and authority, offering a stark contrast to sanitized versions for younger audiences. This bittersweet tale leaves a lasting impact, encouraging deep reflection on its powerful messages. A truly worthwhile read.

Is Synthwave Dead?

Synthwave Is Dead Cover Art

Have you seen posts lamenting the demise of synthwave? It left me wondering – is the genre truly dying, or just evolving? The community seems divided: some say it’s over, others hint at transformation. Let’s explore the enigma of ‘Is Synthwave Dead?’ where endings blur with new beginnings in music’s ever-changing dance.

Artificial Intelligence: Useful Tool or Enemy of Humanity?


Artificial Intelligence, like many other things, is “good” or “bad” depending on how it’s used, but without discernment and a system that supports existence disconnected from individuals’ money, it will always be only harmful.

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