Cat Temper – Mystic Kitten

Best Indie Music Cover Cat Temper Mystic Kitten

Mystik Kitten by Cat Temper is exactly what you’d expect from this amazing artist: a magical experience with high-quality sound and incomparable irony. It’s a pleasure to listen to with a smile on your face, and it will brighten your day.

Cat Temper – Mystic Kitten – Recensione Italiana

La miglior musica indipendente Cat Temper Mystic Kitten

Mystik Kitten, di Cat Temper, è esattamente quello che ci si aspetta da questo fantastico artista: un’esperienza magica, dall’alta qualità sonora e dall’incomparabile ironia, che si fa ascoltare col sorriso e rallegra la giornata.

Kiffie – A Sense of Unease

Best Indie Music Cover Kiffie A Sense Of Unease

“A Sense of Unease” by “Kiffie” is an album that, through its sounds, allows the soul to triumph over technicality. It’s emotional, powerful, and profound. Absolutely worth experiencing firsthand.

Pashang – Void

Best Indie Music Cover Pashang Void

Void, by “Pashang,” is an intergalactic journey through the unknown. A magical and thrilling expedition that anyone can embark upon to escape, even just for a few minutes, the dreary everyday reality.

Pashang – Void – Recensione Italiana

La miglior musica indipendente Pashang Cover

Void, di “Pashang”, è un viaggio intergalattico attraverso l’ignoto. Un viaggio magico ed emozionante che chiunque può intraprendere per abbandonare, anche solo pochi minuti, la deprimente realtà quotidiana.

Isidor – STYGIAN

Best Indie Music Cover Isidor Stygian

STYGIAN by “Isidor” is a marvelous album: energetic, powerful, nostalgic, and surprisingly creative. We cannot recommend listening to it and purchasing it enough to anyone.

Isidor – STYGIAN – Recensione Italiana

La miglior musica indipendente Isidor Stygian

STYGIAN, di “Isidor”, è un album meraviglioso: energico, potente, nostalgico e sorprendentemente creativo e non possiamo fare a meno di consigliarne l’ascolto e l’acquisto a chiunque.

The Shadows of Ithaca – Hunt The Hunter

Best Indie Music Cover the shadows of ithaca hunt the hunter

An album that strips away the modern hypocrisy of every cloak, exposing its naked decay, pointing fingers and accusing with screams ranging from despairing to furious to hopeful, at the darkness that is increasingly tightening its grip on the world.